Khoomkha offers great deals on products

and helps you manage your store.

Khoomkha app consolidates a variety of products at wholesale prices from stores under the Khoomkha network on the best marketplace platform, allowing you to shop as needed without having to close your store and travel to buy in person.

Easy and professional store

management system.

Includes management systems for store operations, inventory, sales accounts, orders, etc., along with advanced notification systems to keep you informed of every activity.

Manage in-store products with

the best inventory system.

Thoroughly manage in-store products, maintain information on best-selling items to increase stock, notify when products are running low, and reduce issues with expired products to ensure timely sales.

Easily add user rights and access

for assistant teams.

Helps you manage your store quickly, systematically, professionally, and expand your business sustainably on an easy-to-use operating system.

Available for free download soon! On IOS/Android operating systems.

Download : Khoomkha

To purchase a wide variety of products at great prices, while systematically managing your store.